Dziedzictwo Rawlsa Międzynarodowa konferencja filozoficzna 2-3 czerwca 2014 r. - Kraków

W dniach 2-3 czerwca 2014 r. w Krakowie odbyła się międzynarodowa konferencja naukowa pt. „Dziedzictwo Rawlsa”, współorganizowana przez Polskie Towarzystwo Filozoficzne.


The Institute of Philosophy, Jesuit University Ignatianum, Cracow
The History of Philosophy Department, Jagiellonian University, Cracow
The Polish Philosophical Society< br/> The conference supported by City Cracow

 June 2, 2014

9:30 – Opening: 
Ellen Germain - Consul General of the United States of America in Cracow 
Józef Bremer  – Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy, Jesuit University Ignatianum 
Leszek Sosnowski Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy, Jagiellonian University, Cracow
9:45 - Samuel Freeman (University of Pennsylvania) Rawls's Account of Economic Justice
10:30 - David Ingram (Loyola University Chicago) Rawls and Habermas on Human Rights: The Argument against a Legal Interpretation

11:15 – 11:30 coffee break

11:30 – Philippe van Parijs (University of Louvain) Just Europe: Rawls and Beyond
12:10 - Justyna Miklaszewska (Jagiellonian University) Rawls on Cosmopolitanism and Global Justice
12:50 - David Rasmussen (Boston College) The Second Arab Awakening and the Emerging Domain of the Political

13:30 – 15:00 – lunch break

15:00 - Paul Weithman (Notre Dame) The Original Position in Political Liberalism
15:40 - Alessandro Ferrara (University of Rome “Tor Vergata”) Expanding the Framework of Political Liberalism

16:20 – 16:35 - coffee break (movie about Cracow)

16:35 – Magdalena Żardecka Nowak (University of Rzeszów) The Idea of Justice instead of the Idea of the Common Good or the Idea of Justice as the Idea of the Common Good
17:15 - Sebastiano Maffettone (Luiss ‘G. Carli’ University of Rome) The Limits of Public Reason and Religious Convictions
17:55 – 18:30 Discussion

June 3, 2014

9:30 - Anthony Laden (University of Illinois at Chicago) The Practice of Equality
10:10 - Jon Mandle (University at Albany) Dewey and Rawls on Metaphysics
10:50 - Rafał Wonicki (University of Warsaw) Should Liberal States Tolerate Non-Liberal States?

11:30 – 11:45 coffee break

English Section (conference room 412)
11:45 - Magdalena Gawin (Polish Philosophical Society) Nussbaum’s Critique of Rawls's Political Theories and the Problem of Global Order
12:10 - Paula Olearnik (Jesuit University Ignatianum) - The Missing Concept of Solidarity in Rawlsian Liberal Theory
12:35 - Dariusz Dańkowski SJ (Jesuit University Ignatianum) – Public Reason in the Polish Debate about Religious Freedom
13:00 – 13:30 – discussion

Polish Section (conference room 420)
11:45 - Piotr Andryszczak (University of John Paul II) Can We Be Political Liberals?
12:10 - Rafał Prostak (Cracow University of Economics) Public Reason in Judicature of the U.S. Supreme Court as a Model of Rawls’s Idea of Public Reason
12:35 - Jakub Szczepański (Jagiellonian University) – The Idea of Public Reason – Kant vs. Rawls
13:00 – 13:30 – discussion

13:30 – 13:40 – coffee break

13:40 – 14:10 – Discussion and Closing of the Conference